OccultRanger's Journal

OccultRanger's Journal


Honor: 857    [ Give / Take ]


14 entries this month

V.R. Today [Public Entry]

17:36 Jul 31 2023
Times Read: 360

How about an oldie to finish out this month's page some CCR. Yeah, I'm pretty old. Thinking about taking a road trip. Haven't done that in a while. I miss my truck. But my girlfriend's got the car and license now. She bought a Toyota Carrola. I trained her well when it comes to what matters most...well I can say that now. I'm sure fate has some fuckery in store for me. But it's that suffering that allows us to appreciate things like when you fast. So going to have to take a road trip as the relatives are getting really old and need to see them one last time before the end. Who knows might stop in and see some kindred along the way between here and there. Should be an interesting trip. She's a bit skittish when it comes to driving on the expressways where you got to get a little aggresive in your driving. I've lived in Chicago so know how to do that plus I like the Road Warrior as Mel Gibson fan. Seeing the american presence in Australia looks good. Got to keep them chinese in check. Well, that's what our quantum computers probably warn us about.

Be nice to document it as I got plenty of cameras and sound equipment. Now my girlfriend is of French and African American heritage. It's true what they say about blackberries. But you still got to get passed the jaggers(thorns) to get to the ripe ones that nature doesn't take. Never was one to make paths others could follow but just got to endure the pain to reach the center of the blackberry grove then let they the ones on the outside stay as protectors. Such wisdom in nature if you take time to look at it all. :)

My old man was quite hardcore, and we have lots of things to work out and I can let my girl spend time with my mom. Now we hypersensitives' raised around war and conflict. We know something about colleterial damage. So, though I know what derailed my life weather it's the Government's negligence concerning treatment of their vets or more accurately what happened in the past that manifests reality as most perceive it. But when it comes to legacy well that goes to your children. That hand wasn't dealt to me in this life so has to go to others. I'm thinking my aunt on my father's side is best for that as she's hypersensitive too. Maybe my alcoholic cousin on my mom's side. Also, they are heavy into the church so will probably give to them but I'm of the mind we have to set out something for the Native Americans that were local to our area as I liked finding their arrow heads as a kid for my rock collection.

I don't believe in God. I think it's just about those Jews' blood magick that's still practiced today in circumcision and marriage rites and ties it all to their family. Noble but quite damning down the line. So that blessing of Abraham gives them stuff but if you get your blessings as a family...well you get the curses that way too. So yeah, the apocalypse is nigh. Neowise comet was a big sign to me. The only true god's chosen people-like that isn't a bit elitist. I'm sure in their pride they are going to learn some things. I've worked for a Jew so know how they get down. Like that story about the guy that fell in love and worked for her father but had to marry the firstborn before getting to the one he wanted. Lots of suffering coming but there will come a time we can all laugh and make jokes about it. Just part of nature as we reflect all aspects of it.





20:56 Jul 30 2023
Times Read: 389

So liked this video done by REDRUM for Danny Ocean a.k.a BLVCK CEILING and was checking them out and liked this fashion video with some fang in it.




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

22:32 Jul 29 2023
Times Read: 435

Just read about what happened to Sabrina. Though I don't watch much T.V. anymore it was one of those shows on Netflix I had earmarked to watch when I was in the mood. I recently cancelled my subscription after losing my xbox to coffee being spilled on my entertainment center. Was the centerpiece and had all my streaming and gaming stuff. Now I'm relying on an old hand-me-down from my girlfriend a PS4. :(

Ah well got too much spiritual shit going on now anyway to enjoy them like I used too. Just checked on Mogy he seems to be getting more creative with his videos.

Been kind of wired of late more so than from feeding. Been fasting food as full moon comes soon and tend to use that timing in my rites as a nocturnal hunter sees better then. So maybe energy is coming from that as I've created this habit that and my body knows it's that time of the month. Lots of power to the moon to me. Not just in that light aspect but tides too. Probably all started when our plant ancestors like algae were affected by it. Then it evolves to the more complex lifeforms from my understanding but still has that imprinted in them on a cellular level. Think we are still under that cycle from back then to the manifestation of reality now.

Really should be using my images for other things than the stream but been posting more there. Stopped working on my image map though I got the software for it now. Well, I got it to work on when needed which is comforting to me as I hate depending on others as even with simple things, they tend to fail standards I was trained in but could never achieve even with a belt to my ass and all the strictness I was raised in but still is important to know. Don't mind the strictness if I was able to accomplish it rather than be a f**king disappointment in everything. That's my mind in a nutshell being hypersensitive with a more powerful nervous system than others on the norm. As far as my feeding goes I can through elemental plane which permeates everything but still it's those closest to me that seem to get effected too in minor ways as we are connected on a level. Going to be pulling more to accomplish what I desire.

Like to start working on my art again. Especially on clothes I wear or for others using florescent colors that glow in blacklight as opposed to the depth of black in red light. I'm old school and just prefer my left hand for that in drawing and painting but now I got a mouse and have become a righty with it. So, I'm not totally of the devil as my kindergarten teacher tried to put on me. She was a short woman, and I was taller than her at the age of six. Being big and scary has lots of drawbacks without other things to balance it like ceiling fans. Then comes the internet where people don't know you and most of them are liars' weather to themselves or others to fit in and cope but I'm of a different breed. I prefer as much truth as I can as it just works for me in my life others don't have luxury to. Though doesn't seem too popular. Fine with me as my...bestial nature stays in check. But the spiritual activity keeps growing and makes it keener. So going to have to continue to feed for that reason alone like a pressure valve.

Just saw an alliance shift on V.R.. So now after the coven terminator did her thing, we have things like a Alliance master without a coven that has another coven in their alliance. That's what I call colleterial damage rather than a surgical strike. Like a certain stream post says "I wonder how this will turn out" I feel like saying too.



04:58 Jul 30 2023

Interesting journal


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

18:38 Jul 28 2023
Times Read: 472

Its time for some Messa. Liking their Belfry album. It's weird how I seem to gravitate to Italian metal bands with female leads. Just added them to my bandcamp wish list. Not liking the fact that In This Moment isn't on that platform but I'll probably preorder their next album (GODMODE) on You Tube Music though I'm wary after depending on cloud for storage to save resources and then Google Play went tits up getting consolidated to You Tube music where I couldn't get access to my property then probably because of royalty rights they didn't have. Thought Google was a safe bet. There's always some exception that murphy's law likes to throw at me. They got a great search engine though. I want a piece of that algorithm. ;)




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

18:25 Jul 27 2023
Times Read: 537

Just started a free Ad-Blocker trial for the default browser for this computer. Wow what a difference. Now this is just for this browser as I got many to look at how things look in other platforms and I'll have to pay for it. But a site still has places designated to place advertising, right? That's what I mainly have a problem with as there's just way too much that overlaps content from the margins then the full screen pop-ups that completely ruin an update status view as you'll have to do another ten minutes later and hope another pop-up ad doesn't ruin it again. There are some sites I go to like Wiki e.g., Humors defined concerning how our ancestors thought about blood and its relativity to the vampire in their lore. Wiki is a charity of mine as I think having the mere access to knowledge is important if it's needed. Save the prestige of a school to bolster that if more is wanted with degrees paid for. There are so many ads on there that I know help pay for it but really go too far and defeats the purpose of easy access. Though I don't actually want complete ad blocking because I think it's important just a healthy regulation of them. Keep them in the margins. I'd like to beat the shit out of the policy makers for how ad agencies behave on the internet with resource management alone.




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

19:48 Jul 26 2023
Times Read: 631

So, it seems many covens were disbanded recently for inactivity. Not all that have been inactive from coven masters just some. All according to the rules as it says they may be disbanded. I wonder how that's determined.

I wanted to create a coven here at one time. Besides the earning favor and force induction covens and houses really aren't that much to me. Besides that, there's the "the prince rules all houses and covens" that doesn't set that well with me. Respect to Cancer for creating the site and his admins that help maintain it but that only goes so far. If I wanted to create a coven, I'd create my own site for it with my domain weather on my own server or paid to a webmaster as best-case scenario. Maybe an exoteric part can be created here but when it comes to arcane mysteries dealing with awesome things like blood magick I don't think it's wise. But I do like aspects of this site as a social network for Real vampires as it advertises and a resource for the vampire and Goth. Just aren't many real ones here by my reckoning. Then there are the sympathetic ones in many varying levels that get what they have from the few that are here by just being around them. It's been hard to determine these things as so much relies on psychic senses. These aren't that reliable to me though I tend to follow my intuition.

Also having problems with host site, I use. Post content then they say sorry it's temporarily unavailable then place their brand name on my stuff like I'm advertising for them as a free service. I get that about a site that's free, so they advertise with watermarks and such on the image but a paid service??? WTF??? I deleted sections of my journal for that reason. Wrote them which was hard as hell to find a way to communicate with them. Don't you just love that function of these internet-based businesses that make it so easy to purchase from them or have that auto renew already checked for future purchases but have a problem that they're responsible for and they are hard to deal with. Only was able to after starting process of deleting my subscription then the menu appears asking what the problem is.



02:28 Jul 27 2023

Just going to post more about this issue here. I'm not here to cause strife and find fault. I was actually curious why this rule wasn't enforced before as it's really not fun being in a coven that has absentee masters. Some house masters were absent for stretches of time longer than a few months. Good thing it wasn't enforced then. But yeah, I think it's great. Reminds me of a time I asked the Hand about a profile and coven she took over but did at Cancers permission. His site his rules. Didn't think such a drastic thing would be done just to be spiteful if I was the target of the regent's journal entry. If you are going to give a grace time to be fair other than the site rules, I'd have made one of those site wide announcements then followed through on it. It's no skin off my back as I already said I don't really put much stock in covens on this site. The mentorship is about it for me unless I get some referrals that want to form one, I may attempt it. Yeah, I'm in one and appreciate being able to fellowship with others I'd consider kindred.

Also got an email back from my 3rd party host that got my email address wrong for the account stating I was wrong about my accusation to them. So had to readmit another message correcting them with my transaction numbers for verification.

03:34 Jul 27 2023

My entry wasn't about you. Also, we aren't allowed to make announcements as to when we are going to disband a Coven.

14:09 Jul 27 2023

Thanks for expressing consideration of issue not regarding me personally. It's that grace period you gave that caused confusion to me not to mention the addition of alliance masters being a part of ruling as that seems to trump the rule as it's stated about coven masters. It's about spirit of rules or the law rather than the letter. Things get lax at times for convenience like security, and it takes some tragedy to help manage problems like how airlines changed after 9/11.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

10:06 Jul 26 2023
Times Read: 650

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V.R. Today [Video Key]

15:28 Jul 25 2023
Times Read: 683

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]]

08:49 Jul 21 2023
Times Read: 740

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STVMeEJjTGFMK2 FPeWtMam9 wclMvR1 A2 MUJLTmw3 OTc0NVZ3 MUx1 dkVkUFpuSTMzK2 5 CcWk5 eVFnVmtKbVhCUG1 TZ




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

13:32 Jul 19 2023
Times Read: 776

Haven't been around lately. It's the advertising that really aggravated me. There's something called way too much. This site has too much now that ruins it.

Anyway here's ITM new release.



18:23 Jul 19 2023

For real.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

20:35 Jul 13 2023
Times Read: 824

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


STVMeEJjM1 RNL1 BEekEzNHBJeWIreXk5 eXdDSHhlTTg3 NGM2 MGZXbUNvYU4 xSTcvL2 4 wajE0aUlrVnBieFRKQ2 kyMnN




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

14:34 Jul 04 2023
Times Read: 932

I did something new this full moon. I rated all the new profiles I could. It's how one makes an entrance like scene from movie Kill Bill by Hotei that mark Kindred to note. Then ofcourse you can give first impressions for the first timers or those that like to pretend. I like to give my fair rating now that I got a stamp. Is also interesting to note who leaves their calling card/stamp or just words with their rate in all comments section. Everybody starts somewhere. You have limited messaging. Who do you use it for? ;)_-

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I like to buy royalty rights to graphics I use on internet unless it is a local directory or site to use. But I found this one that I know addresses trolls very well. Trolls are actually quite intelligent when they want to be. All trolls are immature, and some are not even weened yet. Well, that's the lore of this ranger.



17:32 Jul 04 2023

*sips coffee out* LMAO!!

22:43 Jul 04 2023

That graphic is somethin!!

03:14 Jul 28 2023

Is there a time limit on how long an image link to the stream lasts that my image got stripped out above? Don't want to edit it and lose comments but trying to figure out why.


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

21:37 Jul 03 2023
Times Read: 980

The end is coming. It will be something like this. You can imagine if something like that struck Cancer....I mean the moon how bad it would be here on earth. It's not the first time either as there's many craters on the earth. Even if it struck the remotest ocean the effects will be catastrophic. It will be the shortage of resources that will begin the next world war. That will be happening for some nations.

On a positive note all my bills are paid and I get to focus my attention on more interesting endeavors.

Enjoy life while you can and or make the best of each moment.

My prepper instincts are activating. The ability to fly and float seems of value to escape danger. A raft and a hot air balloon ought to do it.



01:44 Jul 04 2023

The moon also has a lot of craters!

12:14 Jul 04 2023

@ Aeznara I like to think of them as scars. Permeates the entire Macro/Micro-cosmos.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

13:37 Jul 03 2023
Times Read: 996

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •





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